Objective Calculator


Objective. Calculator.

The first and only with tabs and real-time calculations.

Download for iOS

The 1 with tabs.

With your current calculator, you have to erase your equation every time you need to calculate something else. That's a thing from the past with Objective Calculator! With tabs, you have virtually an unlimited number of calculators on the tip of your fingers. Most problems require multiple calculations, so opening new tabs is the natural thing to do!

Equals button? Zeroed!

The equals key is a carry-over from the older physical calculators with very weak processing power. Technically, your device is much more capable than that, so all the calculations can be solved in real-time, without the need to type everything and only then pressing the equals button. With Objective Calculator, your result will be there instantaneously!

Real software, minus bloat and minus ads!

Objective Calculator has no "surprises", it's just a calculator without bloatware or adware. Get your calculations quickly solved in a seamless way, without interruptions. And the best of all: It's free!

Lightweight. Lightning-fast.

Occupying about 10MB of your device's storage, Objective Calculator is one of the most compact apps from the App Store. That's one of the reasons the app opens and responds instantaneously!

Colorful themes.

Isn't it awesome when an app lets you personalize its appearance? Objective Calculator has several color-themes available for free! If you want to help the development of this app even further, you can unlock the premium color-themes for around 3 dollars and get even more color options! That's literally the only monetization system this app has!

Multitask, drag and drop!

Objective Calculator is completely optimized for iOS, and takes full advantage of it's features. It's possible to use this app with another one, like Safari. You can also drag and drop numbers between applications. This comped with tabs makes the ultimate multitasking experience!

Keyboard support.

Type your equations faster with a dedicated keyboard! You can quickly create and switch tabs, copy and paste, use shortcuts for functions and more!

History. Advanced settings. Multi-language and more!

Every equation you write will be saved in the history, with date and hour! Objective Calculator also supports 4 languages (English, Portuguese, Spanish and Chinese). What are you waiting for? Try it right now! It runs on any iPad or iPhone with iOS 10 or more!

Download for iPhone or iPad

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